Vigyan Vidushi (VV2023) programme in Physics is a three-week programme for women students in the first year of their two-year M.Sc. degree in physics, or the fourth year of their Integrated B.Sc.-M.Sc. degree in physics. This programme will provide these students an exposure to advanced physics topics and research opportunities, and encourage them to take up research in physics as a career option. The students will also get an opportunity to be taught, inspired, and mentored by successful women scientist role models.

The programme for 2023 will be held fully in-person over three weeks at HBCSE/TIFR, Mumbai. Selected students are expected to participate for the full duration of the programme.

Tentative Programme Dates: 12 June to 1 July, 2023

Logistics and support: Lectures and experimental sessions will be held at the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) in Mumbai. All participants will be reimbursed travel expenses (AC 3-tier train or road travel as per norms). Accommodation and meals will be provided at the HBCSE campus for the duration of the programme.

Structure of the programme

The programme will have about six courses, which will typically consist of lectures in the morning, and tutorials in the afternoon. Students may be divided into smaller groups during the tutorials. In the experimental physics course, students will be exposed to advanced experimental techniques and encouraged to perform innovative experiments.  In addition, there will be interactive sessions on problem-solving. There will be opportunities for visits to research laboratories at TIFR, Colaba and GMRT, Pune.

While some of the courses will focus on strengthening basic understanding of physics essentials, most of the courses will be on topics that may not be normally covered in M.Sc. classes in a University. Even when the topics may be common, the elements of research or unique perspectives of active researchers will be essential parts of the courses. The courses are expected to lead to a review of current research in the area towards the end.

In addition to the regular courses, the VV programme will have the following unique features:

  • Special lectures by women scientists
  • Ample opportunities for interacting (online and in-person) with subject experts, including many women scientists
  • Special mentoring sessions dealing with gender-related issues, generally in the evenings
  • Exposure to Physics Education Research